373 Degrees is an awesome gym. Kelvin (and everyone else who works there) is amazing.
This place isn't like a regular gym... and that's the reason I worked out here. When you have an appointment, it's just you and your trainer (no one else is there). They have awesome equipment I haven't seen at any of the regular gyms (the Vaccustep, 3-d body scanner, Jacob's ladder, etc.) Which make the workouts fun and interesting.
If you hate going to the gym, don't mind spending a little extra money, and want to get in shape, check this place out.
373 Degrees is an awesome gym. Kelvin (and everyone else who works there) is amazing. This place isn't like a regular gym... and that's the reason I worked out here. When you have an appointment, it's just you and your trainer (no one else is there). They have awesome equipment I haven't seen at any of the regular gyms (the Vaccustep, 3-d body scanner, Jacob's ladder, etc.) Which make the workouts fun and interesting. If you hate going to the gym, don't mind spending a little extra money, and want to get in shape, check this place out.