Awesome, don't get it twisted. In God's good green earth demons that are seeking comparably high powers to God that are seeking to take down what God has planned as we speak are being demolished through churches like this and other ones related. Revelations never said the battle against the devil dragon himself would be a walk in the park it just said that he will be eventually be banished to hell fire and brimstone as well as his dominion in which he dwelt and hell will be closed forever including all the souls that never repented of their sins and called Jesus lord.
Awesome, don't get it twisted. In God's good green earth demons that are seeking comparably high powers to God that are seeking to take down what God has planned as we speak are being demolished through churches like this and other ones related. Revelations never said the battle against the devil dragon himself would be a walk in the park it just said that he will be eventually be banished to hell fire and brimstone as well as his dominion in which he dwelt and hell will be closed forever including all the souls that never repented of their sins and called Jesus lord.