I attended the matinee with my family. The cost was $5.00/person. The concessions stand had very reasonable prices. The only complaint, the popcorn I received was mostly broken pieces, with a few full kernels. On the plus side, The Chalet offered alcoholic beverages, it's a great idea for a date night, relax in your seat and enjoy an adult beverage. Matinees though, usually have more kids and the small ones can be disruptive. It's to be expected, so prepare yourself for meltdowns and hope parents are considerate enough to take their children outside during these episodes.
I attended the matinee with my family. The cost was $5.00/person. The concessions stand had very reasonable prices. The only complaint, the popcorn I received was mostly broken pieces, with a few full kernels. On the plus side, The Chalet offered alcoholic beverages, it's a great idea for a date night, relax in your seat and enjoy an adult beverage. Matinees though, usually have more kids and the small ones can be disruptive. It's to be expected, so prepare yourself for meltdowns and hope parents are considerate enough to take their children outside during these episodes.