I was starving, my mouth was watering for a delicious veggie taco. Took two bites and to my surprise there was a hair sticking straight up with the bulb attached!!! Ewwwwwwwweew
I had already had to go in because I asked for ketchup and mild salsa. They gave me hot sauce instead.. I hopped on the freeway to Renton started eating and I am pist!! Then I call no answer!!
I was starving, my mouth was watering for a delicious veggie taco. Took two bites and to my surprise there was a hair sticking straight up with the bulb attached!!! Ewwwwwwwweew I had already had to go in because I asked for ketchup and mild salsa. They gave me hot sauce instead.. I hopped on the freeway to Renton started eating and I am pist!! Then I call no answer!!